My Sons’ Easy-Bake Oven Shame
Joanna Schroeder wonders why, as traditional gender roles are starting to fade, the Easy-Bake Oven is now more girly than ever. —— For three weeks I’ve been barraged with requests from my sons for one...
View Article‘Lego Friends’ Can Go Straight to Hell, or Why Gendered Toys Are Bad for Kids
Brett Ortler is disappointed that the most gender-neutral of toys has fallen back into gendered stereotypes. —- My mission was simple: Find presents for my niece for her third birthday. The automatic...
View ArticleLEGO Friends and Girls on the Run Get the Conversation Started
LEGO Friends is reaching out to young girls again, and this time they want to talk about it. — There was something of a backlash a few years ago when LEGO first introduced their Friends line of...
View ArticleGendered Toys: Why LEGO Friends is Bad for Boys AND Girls
As a mom of boys, Joanna Schroeder has seen exactly how pink-washed toys harm both boys and girls. By Joanna Schroeder One of the worst feelings in the world, as a parent, is watching your child...
View ArticleMy Sons’ Easy-Bake Oven Shame
Joanna Schroeder wonders why, as traditional gender roles are starting to fade, the Easy-Bake Oven is now more girly than ever. —— For three weeks I’ve been barraged with requests from my sons for one...
View Article‘Lego Friends’ Can Go Straight to Hell, or Why Gendered Toys Are Bad for Kids
Brett Ortler is disappointed that the most gender-neutral of toys has fallen back into gendered stereotypes. —- My mission was simple: Find presents for my niece for her third birthday. The automatic...
View ArticleLEGO Friends and Girls on the Run Get the Conversation Started
LEGO Friends is reaching out to young girls again, and this time they want to talk about it. — There was something of a backlash a few years ago when LEGO first introduced their Friends line of...
View ArticleGendered Toys: Why LEGO Friends is Bad for Boys AND Girls
As a mom of boys, Joanna Schroeder has seen exactly how pink-washed toys harm both boys and girls. By Joanna Schroeder One of the worst feelings in the world, as a parent, is watching your child...
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